
Radiohead의 Let Down은 차분한 노래인데요

요즘 소개하는 곡들은 거의 차분한 노래를 많이

소개드리는 것 같네요.

 날씨가 추워서 노래만은 훈훈한

따듯한 음악을 찾는지도 모르겠네요.

처음 들을 때는 뭔가 밋밋할 수도 있겠지만

저에게는 오래도록 두고 두고 생각날때 마다

들으면 그때마다 기분이 평온해지는

그런 곡입니다.


Transport, motorways and tramlines,
starting and then stopping,
taking off and landing,
the emptiest of feelings,
disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,
and when it comes it's so, so, disappointing.

Let down and hanging around,
crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.

Shell smashed, juices flowing
wings twitch, legs are going,
don't get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.
One day, I'm gonna grow wings,
a chemical reaction,
hysterical and useless
hysterical and

let down and hanging around,
crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.

Let down,
Let down,
Let down.

You know, you know where you are with,
you know where you are with,
floor collapsing, falling, bouncing back
and one day, I'm gonna grow wings,
a chemical reaction, [You know where you are,]
hysterical and useless [you know where you are,]
hysterical and [you know where you are,]

let down and hanging around,
crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.

OK computer cover

Posted by IamDumB